Welcome from our
Youth Ministry Coordinator,
Hannah Manzanares
Please feel free to contact Hannah with any questions at
Join us on Sundays for Worship and Youth Group!
Holy Communion
Sundays at 9:30 AM
Youth attend worship and can volunteer to serve as an assisting minister, reader, Communion minister, usher, choir member, instrumentalist, vocalist, or A/V tech.
Youth Group
Sundays at 10:45 AM
Join us for fellowship, food, music, and fun! We have small groups Bible studies for middle school and high school. We also work together on our new service project.
Our 6th - 8th graders participate in our Confirmation program.
The purpose of our congregation's Confirmation program is to prepare young adults for full participation in congregational life.
Confirmands are encouraged to attend our celebration of Holy Communion at 9:30 AM at least twice-a-month.
Confirmands are also encouraged to serve during the 9:30 AM service once-a-month. They can serve as assisting ministers, lectors, Communion ministers, ushers, choir members, instrumentalists, vocalists, and A/V techs. Training is available!
Confirmands are encouraged to participate in the church's programming at 10:45 AM (food, formation, fellowship, and fun) at least twice-a-month, with a special emphasis on attending the Middle School small group with Pastor Ryan and Vicar Kylee.
Confirmands will receive coaching on memorizing key sections of the Small Catechism like the Ten Commandments, the Lord's Prayer, and the Apostles Creed.