On most first Sundays of the month at 10:45 AM, we like to eat food together!
About once a quarter on the first Sunday of the month, we throw an old-fashioned church potluck!
Our first quarterly potluck will be on October 1, when Bishop Deborah comes to help us celebrate Pastor Ryan's 20th anniversary of ordination.
About once a quarter on the first Sunday of the month, we host a continental breakfast and listen to a presentation from one of our mission partners or a community leader.
Our first continental breakfast will be on November 5. Solveig Muus, who is the Director of Lutheran Advocacy Ministry in Arizona, will be speaking to us about our church's advocacy for those who are experiencing food insecurity.
And about once a quarter on the first Sunday of the month, we throw a little party!
Our first party will be our multi-generational Advent Event on the first Sunday of Advent, December 3.
These activities take place in our fellowship hall.