Peace Lutheran 

Church and Preschool

And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.

Matthew 28:20

Warmest welcome to this multigenerational congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America!

Please join us this Sunday!

Holy Communion

for all ages at 9:30 AM

Everyone is welcome to receive 

Holy Communion at Peace.

Sunday School and activities

for all ages at 10:45 AM

Our second hour of Sunday programming 

will resume this fall!

Our Monthly Focus Verses

Peace follows the Complementary Series of readings.

Coming up at Peace!

Intern Update

This July, our congregation will be receiving a pastoral intern, Vicar Kylee Bestenlehner. Vicar Kylee is from Henderson, Nevada, where she was an active member in Christ the Servant Lutheran Church. She has completed her academic work at the Lutheran School of Theology in Chicago, and has just returned from a tour of Greece and Turkiye.

On June 25, movers will load Vicar Kylee’s furniture and belongings from her one-bedroom apartment into a U-Haul U-Box, which will arrive in Peoria on July 16. The Vicar herself will arrive in the Valley on July 15 to get the keys to her apartment. In consultation with Pastor Ryan, Vicar Kylee chose a one-bedroom apartment in the Cortland at P83 Apartments complex, located at 75th Avenue and Paradise Lane. Movers are also scheduled to unload the U-Box.

In preparation for the Vicar’s arrival, Pastor Ryan has been recruiting for the Intern Committee. The members of that committee are Gina Aspaas, Oliver Cimbal, Courtney Evans, Joanne Iamiceli, Vanessa Jones, Rev. Julie O’Brien, Matthew Ringdahl, Paul Stithem, and Rev. Carl Zimmermann. Working with a group of this size is good practice for when the Vicar is ordained as a pastor and begins to work with a Council.

The Vicar will be with us in worship for the first time on July 21. On July 28, which is our annual Blessing of the Backpacks, the sermon will be a “get-to-know-the-Vicar” dialogue between Pastor Ryan and Vicar Kylee. A celebratory lunch will follow worship that day in the fellowship hall.

Please pray for Vicar Kylee as she packs, travels, and prepares for this next exciting season in her journey to ordination!